Max Schneider


Hello, my name is Max! After completing my degree in “Health Management, Sport & Prevention”, it was clear to me that I wanted to move in the rehabilitation direction professionally. To bridge the gap, I did an internship at CHM in February 2019 and my employer and colleagues at the time were such a likeable bunch that I have remained here to this day – now permanently employed :).

I see a huge opportunity in CHM – also using working time to promote health and well-being. That is why I am very happy to support movement24 as a speaker and trainer, in projectmanagement and in the finance team. As an active athlete, I also know how important it is to get enough rest, which is why I am so passionate about taking care of the specialist department of sleep and regeneration.


The common interest in sports and health and the team spirit of my colleagues make me enjoy going to work every day anew.

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movement24 GmbH
Corporate health management

Location Munich
Luisenstraße 62
80798 München

Phone: +49 89 927 799 29

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